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Are Ants Hard to Get Rid Of?

Ants are social creatures and never travel far from their hundreds of little ant friends. If they find a source of food in your home, no matter how small, you will soon have a line of ants marching into your kitchen. Once ants establish themselves near your home, you may be wondering if they are hard to eradicate. Getting rid of ants can be difficult because there are so many. There are definitely some Do’s and Don’ts you will want to make note of so you can reclaim your house from these ant invaders.

Getting rid of Ants

By avoiding a few things, you can reduce the chances of causing a bigger ant problem  and attracting ants into your home in the first place.

  • Don’t leave out food on your countertops for extended periods of time. The smell of food will draw ants into your home.
  • Do not try to wipe up the line of ants marching on your wall or floor. This can actually scatter the ants, causing them to create multiple lines of marching insects in your kitchen.
  • Do not just wait and hope they will go away. If they find food, they aren’t going anywhere.
  • Do not leave cat or dog food or their water bowls on the floor in your home. This attracts ants.

Good habits you can start that can deter ants from coming into your home are:

  • Sweep the floor after every meal.
  • Use a white vinegar and water solution to spray and wipe down your countertops. Ants hate the smell and it also cleans well. Be careful with it on your wooden surfaces.
  • Promptly take out the garbage.
  • Keep the outdoor trash can away from the house.
  • Fill any holes with caulk around windows that may serve as an entry point.
  • Spray white vinegar on the exterior of the home where there may be possible entry points.
  • Call a professional pest control service to treat your home for ants.

Professional treatment

No matter how tough the ant problem is in your home, a thorough and experienced pest control technician knows how to get rid of every last ant on the premises. Ants may come inside to find food to send back the rest of the colony, but most ant nests are not found inside the home. The best ant exterminators treat inside and outside the home to make sure the ants never come back.

You can certainly do your part to deter ants from coming around, but if they are already making themselves at home, a professional can eliminate the problem for you. If you live in or around Upland, California, Bug Baron Exterminator can get rid of the ants. We want to give you back your home and kick out the ants. Give Bug Baron Exterminator a call today.


Why is There a Trail of Ants in My Kitchen?

Ants do not travel alone. Wherever food is left out, especially something sticky and sweet, ants will find it. Before you know it, there will be a trail of ants marching through your kitchen. Learning a few preventative tips can help keep your home free of ants. But if the ants have deemed your kitchen their new grocery store, it is possible that they have made their nest near the exterior of your home and may be more difficult to eradicate.

Keep ants out of your home

Tips for keeping your home from becoming an ant magnet are:

  • Wipe down your surfaces

The tiniest crumb is a feast for an ant. After you prepare food or eat a meal, be sure to wipe down all surfaces, such as the dining table and countertops, with an all-purpose spray to prevent ants from finding a morsel that keeps them coming back for more.

  • Thoroughly clean up spills

If you accidentally knock a cup of soda or juice over, it can be difficult to reach all the places the liquid can spread. But if you really want to make sure you won’t have ants marching into your home, cleaning up every bit of that spill is essential. Make sure to look behind countertop appliances and even in drawers where drips can creep into.  Ants have an incredible sense of smell and can find all the places you miss when cleaning up a spill, so be thorough!

  • Keep all food in air tight containers

To keep ants from finding your pantry, place all food in airtight containers. Not only will this prevent ants from finding your cookies, sugar, and other foods, it will also keep other pests from discovering your pantry as well.

  • Pets

If you have a dog or cat, you may keep their food and water bowls in your home. Both pet food and water can be big magnets for ants. Ants are always on the lookout for a food source but as the summer heats up, finding easy access to water will also get their attention.

  • Caulk around windows

After normal wear and tear, the caulk around your windows may be missing or damaged, leaving the tiniest entrances for these little, marching insects. Inspect the trim around your windows for any possible damage and apply fresh caulk around the exterior and sometimes interior of the window.

  • Repelling scents

While an ant has a strong sense of smell, you can actually use this against them. There are some scents that ants cannot stand. White vinegar is at the top of the list of most hated scents for ants. Cleaning with white vinegar is a great way to safeguard your surfaces from attracting ants. 

Essential oils such as lemongrass, peppermint, and tea tree oil also repel ants from marching into your kitchen and getting into your food.

Call a pest professional

Keeping regular pest inspections is a great way to prevent pests like ants from coming inside.  Any potential ant problem is squished before it is able to develop into an infestation. If you are in Upland, CA, give Bug Baron Exterminator a call so we can help you get rid of that trail of ants in your kitchen.


Ant Control Experts in Upland, CA

Ants do not belong in your home. While the tiniest crumb can entice an ant to wander inside, you may be surprised by how quickly more ants will suddenly show up in your kitchen. If you have several ant trails running along your baseboards or even across your wall, giving an ant control expert a call is definitely a good idea. For Upland residents, keeping ants out of your kitchen and pantry is crucial. Knowing what is drawing the ants inside is the best way to know how to keep them out.

What attracts ants?

Ants are always on the hunt for food. They tend to be more attracted to sugary substances more than other types of food, though they are also seen carrying off all types of morsels. Crumbs left on the floor after a meal or soda can with a few drops left inside will certainly get an ant’s attention.

Ants have an amazing sense of smell. If you throw away old fruit and don’t immediately take out the trash, ants will come inside looking for it and they may decide to stay if there’s enough food lying around.

Once ants find a suitable food source, they send out a pheromone trail so the rest of the ant colony can follow it right back into your home to the drop of honey, cracker crumbs, or spilled apple juice.

Pet food can also be a honing device for ants. If you have pet bowls on the floor of your kitchen or laundry room, the ants will have easy access to daily food. The water bowl as well may be drawing ants, especially in the heat of the summer.

How to repel ants

You can try spraying a few repellant ant sprays wherever you think the ants are coming inside. In addition to commercial ant sprays, you can spray white vinegar or essential oil solutions around your windows and door frames, and even on your kitchen surfaces to deter ants from coming inside.

But if you have an ant infestation, calling the ant control experts will make sure that every last ant is eliminated from your Upland home.

Call in for back-up

For the best ant control experts in Upland, CA, give Bug Baron Exterminator a call today. Our technicians will apply a family and pet friendly treatment inside your home to totally eradicate the ant infestation. After the house is clear of these pests, our highly trained technicians will head outside to inspect the perimeter of your home for any ant mounds that could be the source of your infestation. With a double punch of ant control from a professional combined with your efforts to keep your home tidy, ants will not be strolling back into your home any time soon.