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Bed Bug Control

Bed Bug Prevention When Travelling

If you are worried about bringing bed bugs home when you stay at a hotel and don’t have the time to do a thorough inspection, below are five simple things you can do at a minimum to help prevent bringing them home with you.

Simple steps for Bed Bug Prevention When Travelling:

  • Put your luggage in the bathtub before you start your inspection. Bed bugs are unable to climb smooth surfaces like tubs or windows.
  • Check the headboard. Bed bugs could be hiding in many different places, but 50% of the time you will find them on the headboard if there’s any infestation.
  • Don’t use the dressers. This increases the chances of bringing them home when you pack up.
  • Use bed bug interceptors around the legs of the bed. If there are bed bugs anywhere around the room, this prevents them from climbing the bed. Keep in mind, however, that bed bugs have the ability to climb walls to get to the ceiling and fall right on top of their target. As a result, the traps will not provide absolute protection, but they can help nonetheless.
  • Use a luggage encasement. A luggage encasement can prevent them from making their way into your luggage. Make sure you inspect all your clothes before you put them back in your luggage. Even better, wash and dry all your cloths on high temperatures before packing up.

Following these steps can significantly help if you don’t have the time to do a thorough inspection yourself at every hotel you visit.

Bed Bug Control

How To Prepare Your House For Bed Bug Treatment

Don’t we all wish that everything in life could be like those old infomercials? Where the presenter presses a button, to just “set it and forget it”, and minutes later a time consuming process has been completed with little to no effort and in a short amount of time.

If only that were the case with pest infestations!

Sadly thats just not the case. That’s why we have written this comprehensive “Do’s and Don’ts”, list explaining how to prepare your house for bed bug treatment. Not all things can be as easy as an infomercial, but when it comes to creepy crawlies like bed bugs a little effort goes a long way to getting your home pest free as soon as possible!

Before bed bug treatment it is important to:

  • Empty all dressers and nightstands. Place clothes into plastic bag before you bring them to the washer and dryer. Wash and dry on high temperatures to kill any potential bed bugs and eggs. (Remember to transfer them in a plastic bag to prevent dropping any on the way to the laundry room).
  • Remove linens from the mattresses and box springs and place in a plastic bag. Transfer to washer and dryer and wash and dry on high temperatures to kill any bed bugs and eggs.
  • Move mattress off the bed frame and place against wall. Do not put the bed bug mattress cover on until after the service.
  • If possible, remove the headboard from the bed. The most common place bed bugs hide are headboards. Removing this gives the technician access to perform a proper treatment. Keeping the headboard unattached will also prevent them from nesting near you, so it is also recommended to place it inside your closet until after the infestation is over.
  • Move everything at least three feet away from the walls. This gives the technician access to do a thorough treatment.
  • Cover fish tank and turn off pumps. Fish are very sensitive to chemicals, so please be sure to cover the tank and turn off the filter.
  • Take down all wall hangings. Wall hangings are common places for bed bugs to hide, so be sure to take them down and set aside for the technician to inspect.
  • Remove curtains and wash and dry on high temperatures. Remember to bring them to the laundry room in a plastic bag.
  • Remove all electrical wall plates. Bed bugs will go in electrical outlets to hide in the walls, so all of the outlets must be removed so the walls can get treated. Make sure nothing is blocking any of them when we arrive.
  • Be prepared to leave the structure for 6 hours. Please make sure everyone who lives there follows this rule.

It is very important that after the service you follow these dos and don’ts to get the most out of your bed bug treatment:

  • Do NOT use your own products. Your products will interfere with our process rather than help.
  • Do NOT wash the treated areas. This will remove the residual that kills the bed bugs. This can cause you to completely waste your money on the treatment.
  • Do NOT sleep somewhere else. They will not come across the treated areas if no one is sleeping in the bed. Bed bugs can detect the carbon dioxide you exhale, so if you start sleeping in another room, they will eventually follow. With this in mind, remember to only sleep in your bed because you are the bait.
  • Place the bed bug mattress cover on the mattress. This will trap any bed bugs or eggs that are currently in the mattress. Keep the covers on the boxsprings and mattress as long as you have them. Think of the cover as part of the mattress; it never gets removed.

It is important that all the requirements are met in order to eliminate ALL the bed bugs. Remember, the goal isn’t to kill just a few of them, we have to kill all of them!

Cockroach Control

How To Prepare for Cockroach Extermination

When it comes to the hundreds of German cockroach infestations I have serviced, the results have always come down to the customers commitment to prep and follow all the directions. Too often, people do little to no prepping and have the belief that we will be able to eliminate the infestation entirely.

I have even gone to a number of homes where I couldn’t do any treatments at all because of the amount of storage in the kitchens.

German cockroaches nest in walls, cracks and crevices, kitchen cabinets, electronics, the stove and microwave and pretty much anything available to them. Needless to say, all the directions must be followed in order to get your home back.

Preparing for roach extermination:

  • Empty all the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Everything from the top to bottom needs to be removed so we can do a thorough treatment.
  • Take everything off the counters. Be sure to clean up any left behind crumbs or grease after you clear the counter.
  • Remove all electrical outlet plates in kitchen and bathrooms. German cockroaches go in the walls through the electrical outlets, so the walls need to be properly treated to prevent constant re-infestations in the kitchen and bathrooms.
  • Move the fridge and stove away from the walls. It is best to give us at least three feet so we have enough access for our inspection and treatment.
  • Be prepared to leave for 4-6 hours. We have different treatment options available, but it is best to plan being gone for 4-6 hours.

As mentioned above, the results come down to your commitment to getting everything ready. Limited access will give you limited results while complete access will give you complete results. It is also important to figure out how you got infested to begin with. German cockroaches are not outdoor pests and only get transferred to their locations. This can happen when you buy something used at garage sales or if you had a friend or family member visit your home. Not only that, but breakrooms at work are commonly infested due to the amount of people that use them. By doing this, you will be able to prevent re-infestations in the future.

Bed Bug Control

Bed Bug Treatments: Pros and Cons

If you have bed bugs, you are probably wondering what the best treatment is to take care of them. The treatments available for them include chemical treatments, heat treatments, and fumigations. Since a one size does not fit all with the bed bugs, below includes the pros and the cons for each treatment.

What are bed bug chemical treatments?

A chemical treatment is treating all accessible areas for bed bugs and the types of chemicals that get used depend on the current environment. Bed bugs that get treated directly will die within minutes, but the bed bugs that come in contact with the treated areas after the product is dry will die two to three days after coming in contact with it. People need to be out of the structure for 4-6 hours after a treatment. See our article How to prepare for a Bed Bug chemical treatment on the prep work needed.

PRO: Cost effective

Of all the options, chemical treatments will save you the most money. Depending on the size of the structure, heat treatments and fumigations add up quickly.

PRO: Leaves a residual

Bed bugs are known for hiding in cracks and crevices, wall voids, and pretty much anything available and can go weeks and even months without a blood meal. A chemical residual will take them out when they eventually come out of hiding.

PRO: Helps prevent future infestations

It is common to get re-infested if someone you know has their own bed bug infestation. Chemical treatments can help reduce the chances of dealing with another infestation.

CON: May take multiple treatments

If you did any treatments yourself before calling an exterminator, this will interfere with their chemical treatments. The repellents sold at your local store will shove the bed bugs everywhere and only kill the ones that you treated directly. The bed bugs will know they are under attack and could hide in the walls for weeks or even months and return afterwards. Ever had them leave and come back later? Then a treatment of your own was likely performed. On top of that, chemical treatments do not kill the eggs, so you will have to wait until the eggs hatch as well. Make sure you have a longer warranty than only two or three months if this is the option you prefer. Even the EPA admits that very few infestations are controlled with only one treatment so be prepared for multiple treatments.

CON: Bed bugs have shown resistance to chemicals

Studies have shown how bed bugs have grown resistant to chemicals over the years. Regarding pyrethroids, one study has shown “that 54 out of 143 bed bugs were resistant to pyrethroids.” As a result, neonicotinoids have become the best alternative for the industry for chemical treatments. Unfortunately, like pyrethroids, bed bugs are now showing resistance to neonicotinoids. Dr. Alvaro Romero from New Mexico State University has stated, “Companies need to be vigilant for hints of declining performance of products that contain neonicotinoids.” In other words, even if you hire the best technician, science could prevent a 100% kill causing you to spend additional money on an alternative treatment.

CON: You need to be the bait after a treatment

Bed bugs need to come out of their hiding areas and come across the treated areas to die. In order for this to happen, you MUST continue to sleep in the bed to attract them. They are attracted to our carbon dioxide, so they will know if you are no longer sleeping in your bed. If you sleep on the couch instead of your bed where a residual exists around it, the bed bugs will not climb your bed and instead will eventually follow you to the couch.

What are bed bug heat treatments?

The heat treatment includes a heater along with fans to help get a room properly heated up to 120 degrees to 130 degrees. You will need to be out for 8 to 10 hours and the temperatures of your house could still be fairly high when you return. See our article How to Prepare for a Bed Bug Heat Treatment for prep instructions.

PRO: Heat treatments can produce the quickest results

Instead of waiting for the bed bugs to come in contact with treated areas or waiting three nights for the fumigation, heat at 130 degrees will kill them at all stages instantly. You could have a bed bug free home immediately after a treatment.

PRO: Chemical free treatment

Not a fan of having chemicals in your home? Prefer to go green? A heat treatment is your best option.

PRO: We don’t have to find the bed bugs

Bed bugs can hide anywhere including inaccessible areas.Instead of locating all of them, we can heat everything up to kill them at any stage of their life.

CON: The required prep work could save some of the bed bugs

While heat treatments can kill the bed bugs, heat can also damage a number of things that are not made to be heated up to high temperatures. There are a lot of things that must be removed from the treated areas. If one bed bug or egg gets removed with a single item, the entire heat treatment was for nothing. Unfortunately, we cannot go down to only one or two bed bugs. We must get all of them.

CON: Damage is almost inevitable

Most people who have done heat treatments have a story on something getting damaged. Furniture that is glued and screwed comes apart, the heel on high heels can come apart, electronics can get damaged, blinds get damaged constantly, and MUCH more. Needless to say, the heat treatment may not be your only cost with this option.

CON: The heat treatment may not kill all of them

A very common place bed bugs hide is wall voids. If you have insulation in your walls, the chances of the eggs or bed bugs dying gets greatly reduced in these areas. The entire point of insulation is to reduce heat. That being said, insulation will give bed bugs the time they need to move further into the walls and infest other rooms during the treatments.

What are bed bug fumigations?

Fumigations require an entire team to tent your house from the top down. This includes going on your roof along with placing sandbags around the structure to prevent gas from escaping. When it comes to prep work, everything that goes in your body must be double bagged in the bags provided by your exterminator and plants along with pets will also need to be out. Fumigating for bed bugs require you to be out for 4 days and 3 nights. See the short video “How to Prepare Your Home for Fumigation” at

PRO: The best treatment method

The gas will kill all life stages of the beg bugs including the eggs. Simply put, fumigations are the most effective treatment of all for bed bugs. One of our customers had a different company do three heat treatments for her and couldn’t get it under control. After doing one fumigation with us, she had her home back.

PRO: Very few things need to be removed from the structure

Besides anything living such as plants and pets, you don’t have to remove so many things like you do for a heat treatment. It is always best to leave everything in the fume including your bags so not a single bed bug gets taken with you. Instead of taking your luggage and purse to your hotel, use a plastic grocery bag and take your wallet so everything gets fumed.

PRO: You can fumigate your car too

The bed bugs did not take a hike by foot to your property, so your car was likely first infested, is still infested, or later got infested by your current infestation. The fumigation gives you the option to have your car be in the garage during the fume to make sure no bed bugs remain there afterwards.

CON: It is the most expensive treatment

Fumigations for bed bugs require 4 days and 3 nights compared to drywood termites that require 3 days and 2 nights. Ever fumigated your house for drywood termites? Bed bugs will cost you even more!

CON: Must be out of your house for three nights

On top of the cost to fumigate your house, you will also need to pay for a hotel for a few nights.

CON: Bagging up your food could be a bit much for some

Everything that goes in your body must be double bagged only with the bags provided by the exterminator company. The amount of time will depend on the size of your kitchen pantry. Watch the video on preparing for a fumigation mentioned above for further details to see if this is right for you.

In the end, each infestation is not the same. Everything from the severity of the infestation, whether or not a previous treatment was made, along with a number of other questions need to be answered in order for a decision to made.

At Bug Baron Extermiantor, we offer each of these treatments and even offer one year warranties on our work to guarantee that they will be gone!

For a free inspection call us at (909) 774-0555.

For a free inspection call
Bed Bug Control

Will Heat Treatment Kill Bed Bugs?

Heat treatments can be one of the best ways to kill bedbugs quickly and with relative ease, but there is an element of preparation that must be taken seriously in order for it to work properly!

Preparing for a bed bug heat treatment is usually more work than one expects. Some people will pass on a fumigation due to the prep work and settle for a heat treatment, but truth be told, a heat treatment could be just as much work or even more work than preparing for a fume depending on a number of factors. Below include the instructions for Bed Bug heat treatments:

Prep Instructions

  • Drain Waterbeds.
  • Move beds and furniture at least 3 feet away from the wall.
  • All items under bed must be removed.
  • It is recommended that all irreplaceable items that have the potential to get damaged with heat should get removed from the structure.
  • Please cleanup up any pesticide products according to their labels that were applied by the homeowner.
  • Any luggage or storage in the attic or garage should be brought to the main floor to be treated.
  • Remove all drawers from dressers. Keep clothes in drawers.
  • Boxes and stored items must be removed from the closets and brought to the center of the room. Hanging clothes may remain in closet, but it is best to spread them out in the closet as much as possible to help with the air movement.
  • Turn off air conditioning before treatment.
  • Clothes that will be worn the day of the heat treatment must be washed and dried on high temperatures before leaving for the day.
  • Open all windows after coming home to help with the cooling down phase.
  • Deflate air mattresses.
  • All pests including birds and fish must be out of the structure.
  • At times, thermostats can malfunction when they reach extreme temperatures.
  • Take off all electrical outlet plates throughout structure.
  • Understand that the team will be moving things around to help with heat exposure.
  • Keep dresser and cabinet doors opened to help with the heat treatment.
  • Remove batteries from laptop computers.
  • Electronics must be unplugged.
  • Computers, laptops, TVs, and remote controls are high risk places of infestations. It is best to leave these inside for the treatment, but Bug Baron Exterminator will not be responsible if there is any damage that occurs.
  • Decorative items or picture frames could be blown off the walls and potentially damaged by the heat blowers, so please place them all on the floor.
  • Papers can be blown everywhere during the treatment, so they need to be in containers.
  • Keep wheelchairs inside for the treatment as these are often infested.
  • Close all windows before we arrive.
  • Do not place clothes in plastic bags.
  • Remove all bedding from mattresses
  • Deactivate fire detectors.
  • Remove all electrical outlet covers before our arrival.
  • Hire a certified professional to detach and pull back carpet so a proper treatment can be performed. We recommend hiring a certified professional to reattach carpet.
  • Unlock all closets, drawers, chests, cabinets, etc.
  • Remove all life support apparatuses and oxygen tanks from treatment areas.
  • Pianos must be removed as they have the possibility of getting de-tuned by the heat treatment.
  • Do NOT turn on air conditioner or the washer or dryer until it has reached below 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Do NOT use any type or pesticides or dusts before or after our treatment.
  • Throw out all trash and unwanted items before the treatment.
  • Clean up dust and pet hair prior to our treatment as these can be hazardous to our equipment.
  • Overpacked closets and rooms cannot be treated properly as air-flow is crucial to our treatment.
  • Cut back plants near to structure outside.
  • Remove all valuables. Bug Baron exterminator does not provide on-site security and does not assume any responsibility in the event of vandalism or robberies.
  • Determine how you were infested to begin with in order to avoid a re-infestation.

Remove the following items when heat treating for bed bugs:

  1. Adhesives
  2. Alcohol
  3. Aquariums
  4. Audio and video tapes
  5. Artificial sweeteners
  6. Batteries
  7. Candles
  8. Candy
  9. Carbonated beverages
  10. CD’s and DVD’s
  11. Chocolate
  12. Cigarette lighters
  13. Creams and lotions
  14. CO2 cartridges
  15. Computer software
  16. Cosmetics
  17. Crayons
  18. Firearms and ammunition
  19. Fire extinguishers
  20. Fireworks
  21. Flammable chemicals
  22. Furniture with glue points
  23. Medical braces
  24. Paintings
  25. Potted plants
  26. Pressurized cylinders
  27. Rubberized prosthetic devices
  28. Soaps
  29. Soft vinyl items
  30. Vitamins and other medications
  31. Vinyl records
  32. Wall hangings
  33. Waxed based items
  34. Window blinds
  35. Wireless routers
  36. Musical instruments (leave the cases)
  37. Refrigerator magnets (could demagnetize)
  38. Shoes with a glued on sole (especially high heels)
  39. Fresh food, fruits, and vegetables, etc

Fire sprinkler instructions:

  • The sprinklers must be turned off and drained before the heat treatment.
  • Drain valve must be left opened during the treatment.
  • Sprinkler heads must be removed and line must be capped.
  • After treatment is completed, fire sprinkler company must perform an inspection on all sprinkler
  • heads for damage and replace them as needed.
  • System can be reactivated with the approval of the fire sprinkler company.

At times, even when the system has been shut off and drained, water could still be in the pipeline located above the sprinkler heads. If this causes any activation, dirty water could be discharged from the sprinkler head and cause staining. In other words, even if you did everything right, damage to sprinkler heads does still exist.

The risk of heat treatments is that if a single bed bug or egg gets removed with any item during the prep work, the treatment will not be effective since we must get rid of all of them. On top of this, if bed bugs are in the walls and you also have insulation in the walls, this increases the chances of heat treatments being ineffective. The entire point of insulation is to reduce heat, so bed bugs could remain if your walls and move to other rooms during the treatment if they are insulated.

Termite Control

How to identify a Termite Infestation

California is home to all three types of termites, and they are a lingering pest issue in every region of the large state. The three types of termites found in California are Drywood, Subterranean, and Pacific Dampwood Termites. Though multiple species can thrive in any area given the correct circumstances you are most likely to find that each species is very particular about what it likes. The arid inland regions of Southern California are more prone to Drywood termites (hence the name) and the Subterranean and Pacific Dampwood termites are found in greater abundace near the coasts and the moist forests of the Northern California.

*Note: Though Drywood Termites thrive and love arid and warm climates, their lack of needing ground nests makes them well equipped travellers. They find their way into other regions by hitching a ride with lumber making its way to areas they would never be found naturally.

Since nearly all populated regions of California are prone to termite infestations, it’s important to be aware of the risk. Termites can have a devastating impact on your home, causing thousands of dollars in damage not to mention the cost to get rid of them. They are tiny and almost impossible to spot until they’ve done extensive damage. But with a little diligence, you can catch them before they sneak up and wreak havoc on your property.

The tips below will help you recognize the signs of termites or other pests so that you can take care of the problem before it gets out of hand.

Check for Termite droppings

One of the first signs of a termite infestation is a trail of small droppings throughout your home. These are the insects’ excrement, or frass, which they use to communicate with each other. Though “frass” is a term used to describe all insect extrement, the frass of termites typically is found in the form of tiny pellets that vary in color depending on the color of the wood, or cellulose containing food, that the termites are consuming. Depending on coloration, termite frass can be similar in appearance to coffe grounds or granules of sand.

Check for Termite droppings

If you spot small pellet shaped droppings on your wall, furniture, or window sills, it could be a sign of termites. Termites produce a lot of these droppings throughout their lifecycles, so if you spot them, it’s likely that you’ve got an infestation.

The more droppings you see, the more likely you are to have a serious problem. If you discover a trail of frass, don’t ignore it—it could be a sign that your house is already infested.

Watch for discoloration on your walls, floors, and furniture

We all know that Termites are tiny insects that have a voracious appetite for wood. Unless you live in a log cabin with much of your homes wooden structure uncovered and visible you most likely won’t be able to spot them in action. They don’t build nests or colonies out in plain sight like wasps or bees. Instead, they travel through your walls and floors and feed off the wooden portion of your homes structure.

This lack of a visible hive makes it difficult to know when you have an infestation until its too late. Though you should’nt lose hope, because there are some important signs, that if recognized early enough, can save you time and money.

Termites leave behind a trail of enzymes as they feast on the wood and cellulose containing materials in your home. These enzymes create a discoloration on the surfaces they touch. If you see faint stains or dark spots on your walls, floors, or furniture in rooms where termites are likely to travel, they might be to blame. If there is easy access to the areas behind or beneath these spots take a look, or maybe calling a professional is in order to visit that dank and spooky crawl-space or attic. Most good exterminators offer free consultations and inspections!

Keep an eye out for these discolored spots as Termites are constantly using this enzyme to break down materials to make it easier to eat them. You ignore these signs at your own risk.

Be on the lookout for swarming termites

Termites are pests that prefer to stay hidden. Though there are portions of the Termite lifecycle that will allow you to see them coming, the swarm! After a colony is established, the king and queen of that colony will begin to birth “swarmers”. These are the winged reproductive partners of a termites lifecycle that are migrating in search of a new home.

If you see swarming termites in your home, it’s a serious sign that you’ve got a problem. Because the insects are in the reproductive stages, the damage caused by a colony is already done. If you spot a swarm of termites, call in a professional immediately.

Be on the lookout for swarming termites

The insects are migrating, which means they’ve already done a lot of damage. An inspection of your home, and surrounding buildings is absolutely necessary to prevent any further damage.

Be aware of new construction

If you’re building a new structure or renovating your home, it’s important to be alert to potential termite damage. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Drywood Termites travel with un-treated lumber great distances. Asking your contractor where the wood came from and if it has been inspected or treated for termites is a common and intelligent thing to do if you are building a home or renovating.

Another good idea when building/renovating is to check if your contractor is using all wood products, or if they’re making use of non-wood products as well. If they aren’t, you should talk to them about the risk of termite damage.

Many contractors use non-wood or termite repellant products that are highly resistant to termite infestations:


It may be silly to mention, but it to clarify, termites cannot eat concrete. Termites feed on cellulose, and many building materials that you may not initially think of as termite food contain cellulose, like drywall. When building or renovating, keep in mind that concrete is a powerful tool in your termite control tool kit.


Cedar is a genus of coniferous trees that grow naturally in the Mediterranean and parts of the western Himalayas. There are some non native cedar trees growing in the Americas as well, though none are common. Cedar is a very oil rich and resinous wood. Its within this resin that the Cedar gets its sweet somewhat spicy scent. The irony is that this attractive scent to us humans is what makes it inedible to termites. Though cedar can be an expensive building material, it is well worth the expense when it comes to repelling termites.

Pressure Treated Wood

The key to this type of woods termite repellant properties is in the name. Often used to build moisture resistant fences or landscape retaining walls, the lumber is “treated” with chemical preservatives that keep the wood from rotting, and as an added benefit is repulsive to termites. Pressure treated wood is an excellent building material if you or your neighbors live in an area that is known for having termites, or if you’ve experienced an infestation in the past.

PRO-TIP: Though it may be expensive as a building material, cedar chips are an excellent option for termite proof landscaping. While other types of mulch will draw attention from termites, cedar will create an unattractive boundary to help keep termites from discovering the possible delicious food sources that make up your homes foundation and structure.

Don’t ignore a bad smell

If you’ve got a termite problem, you’ll likely notice a bad smell in your home. Termites emit an odor as a defense mechanism, which is called a pheromone. If you smell a musty or earthy smell in your house, it could be termite pheromones. Be sure to check for discoloration around your home as well. If you’ve got a bad smell, it could be a sign that your house is already riddled with termites. If you notice a bad smell in your house, be sure to check for discoloration and marks on your walls. If you’ve got both, it’s likely that you’ve got termites. They’re often hard to spot, but the smell is a dead giveaway.

Termites are tiny insects that feed off wood and are nearly impossible to spot until they’ve done extensive damage. If you live in an area that’s prone to termite infestations, you need to be aware of the signs so you can get to them before they do damage. There are a few things to look out for, such as small black droppings, discoloration, and a bad smell.

Having a termite issue?

Can’t be sure if any of the signs of infestation mentioned above are occuring in your home?

Call Bug Baron Exterminator now for your free consultation, you do not want to wait.

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And don’t forget to ask about our 100% satisfaction gurantee!
General Pest Control

Claremont, Ca Pest Control

If you’ve noticed a pest problem in your Claremont home or business, it’s probably time to take action. You’re not alone; millions of Californians each year experience the same frustrations as you do. Pests are becoming more common and more difficult to control. If you have a garden or landscaping area adjacent to your home that could be at risk of invasion by pests, make sure you get an inspection from a professional pest control technician immediately. Our team of experts has extensive experience with pest removal throughout the Claremont area. We understand your specific needs and are here to help!

Call Bug Baron Exterminator!

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  • Bed Bugs
  • Termites
  • Ants
  • Spiders
  • Cockroaches
  • Rodents

Whether it’s termites, ants, spiders, rodents, or other pests—they all have one thing in common: they want to invade your space and wreak havoc. That’s why it’s important that you take action right away.

Why is it Important to Have a Professional Out for Pest Control in Claremont?

A professional pest control service can help you solve the problem of unwanted pests. Not only can they help you get rid of pests in your home, but they can also keep them from coming back! Pests can do a ton of damage to your home, garden, and landscape. They can cause structural damage to your house and property and increase your chances of contracting many diseases. When a professional pest control service comes out to treat your property, they will identify the specific issues you are facing and discover how best to remedy the situation. Using the most effective solutions to combat your home’s pests they will have you pest free in no time!

The best part of this is that they can help you prevent further invasions. They will also be able to inspect your property to find areas that are vulnerable to invasion, such as unkempt yards that provide shelter for invaders and offer proper solutions to eliminate these areas and keep them safe from invasion.

Pests can wreak havoc on your Claremont, CA home in a variety of ways and become a serious problem if left unchecked. The good news is that you can take action to prevent and solve a pest problem with the help of Bug Baron Exterminators.

Don’t wait until its too late,

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General Pest Control

The Benefits of Monthly Pest Control

In our increasingly fast paced world of instant gratification, it can be easy to assume that a pest infestation can be solved permanently with one treatment. The truth is that most pest infestations require multiple treatments to get the job done. Even then, once the current infestation is dealt with, there are many variables that can play into whether the pest will return.

If your home has had a serious pest infestation that required professional intervention, a monthly pest control service is a smart decision both financially and in controlling the pests. These monthly services are designed to make sure that the pests do not return.

Often a pest infestation is the by-product of the environment surrounding your home or business. Even if an infestation is taken care of now, there is little that can be done to stop the natural surroundings of a home or business from creating the right circumstances for pests to return. For example, most pests are attracted to areas where there is an abundance of food or shelter. In urban areas this can mean living near shopping centers and their dumpsters, in more rural areas it can mean living close to animals and their food sources. Whatever the case, monthly pest control services are the best way to prevent future infestations of your home or business.

If you are unsure of how a monthly pest service can be beneficial for your home or business here are the reasons why to choose monthly pest control services.

Benefits of Monthly Pest Control:

If you are experiencing a serious pest infestation, you will want to get it under control as soon as possible. If you wait too long, you may even run the risk of having to replacing large sections of your home.

Rats often leave droppings and urine that can stain and ruin floors and walls. They can chew through wires and cause short circuits, ruining expensive electrical equipment. Rodents often find the warmth of a cooling engine a nice place to stop and chew on plastic, rubber, and wiring within a vehicle.

As we know some of the smallest parts of newer vehicles can come with a hefty price tag, not to mention the price of installation by a professional. Damage to fabrics, wood, drywall, and insulation found in your home are also a favorite delicacy of many rodents caused by constant chewing and gnawing.

Speaking of structural damage to your home, rodents are not the only culprits to be found on the list of pests that cost property owners all over the United States millions of dollars per year. Termite damage can cause structural defects to your home if left unchecked and unmonitored. Depending on the severity of the infestation correcting such damage can cost on average between $800 and $3000.

A monthly pest control service is the only guaranteed way to make sure that issues you have experienced in the past do not return.

Prevent potential health risks caused by pests

Aside from the monetary damage pests can cause, they can also present a serious risk to your health. Some pests can actually transmit diseases. Some rodents, such as rats and squirrels, can transmit diseases through their bites.

Bats can also carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans through their droppings. It is also important to note that even if a pest does not bite you, you could still become sick from being near them. Fleas and roaches, for example, can also cause illness through their droppings. If you or someone you love is asthmatic the droppings and or saliva from a pest can trigger an attack. Even those who do not have asthma can experience nasal and esophageal irritation and difficulty breathing from close contact with pests.

Egg-laying pests, such as ticks and mosquitos, are also a huge concern for health. They can carry serious diseases, including West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease, and Zika.

The following is a list of some of the most common types of pests found in the U.S. and their corresponding risks:

Flies and Cockroaches

Salmonellosis, Dysentery, Cholera

Fleas and Ticks

Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis


Rat bite fever, Plague, Hantavirus, Leptospirosis, Monkeypox, Salmonellosis

Keep Treatment Costs Low

On average a pest infestation that has gotten out of control will be costly. Now imagine having to pay that same cost 2 to three times a year, when instead you can have a monthly recurring service that ends up saving you nearly 30% the entire cost of several serious infestation visits. You may even be able to get a discount on your monthly pest control service if you sign up for it on a long-term basis.

Keep Treatment Costs Low

If you have pests in your home, you will likely need to call a professional exterminator to come out and treat your home. By signing up for a monthly pest control service, you have a cheaper alternative.

It is important to remember that while pest control services can help you control pests for a certain amount of time, there is no permanent solution to any pest problem in an area. No number of exterminators or pest control companies in any one area has the power to eradicate all the rats, all the ants, and all the roaches. Pest out number humans by a huge margin. For example, there are 1.4 billion insects for every 1 human on earth. The rat ratio is 1:1, and thats just rats, not to mention mice, ground squirrels and other rodent like pests.

If you are experiencing a pest infestation on your property it is likely not a new phenomenon (just ask any neighboring property owner who has been in the area for some time) and will more than likely continue being an issue. In many cases of insect and rodent infestations a recurring pest service is the only true solution from keeping your property clean and pest-free.

Protect the reputation of your home or business

Your reputations as a home or business owner are hard to build and easy to lose. Whether it is the sight of rodents roaming your property or insects such as flies or cockroaches seen in your place of business, these things can impact how your community and clientele view you.

If you are in the business of food or hospitality, pests can have a serious negative impact on your reputation. If you have pests in your kitchen, they can contaminate your food, which can lead to serious health issues. You can also be held legally liable for any injuries customers sustain from eating contaminated food. In fact, the Center for Disease Control has reported that insects cause many foodborne illnesses.

According to Trustpilot, 9 out of 10 consumers check a review site before making a purchase or visiting a business. Online reviews impact purchasing decisions for over 93% of consumers. A few online reviews mentioning pests such as rodents or insects for your business can be devastating.

An estimated 5-10% of foodborne illnesses can be attributed to insects. This demonstrates the importance of consistent monitoring of your business’s pest situation.

Nothing is more important than your reputation as a home and business owner. With a monthly pest control service, you can reduce the risk of pests and keep the pests you do have under control.

Peace of Mind

A serious pest infestation can lead to sleepless nights. Seeing a rat in the kitchen, finding a roach in the laundry room, discovering termites in the attic, or finding bed bug droppings on your sheets is enough to give most people some form of anxiety.

Often there is a bit of panic and fear as the realization sets in that you and your family are not the only ones occupying your home. In cases like this a pest control professional cannot arrive soon enough to solve the problem.

There is always the initial feeling of ease and comfort when a pest professional does excellent work and there are no more sightings of the bothersome pest you were suffering.

As time goes on you may worry that the pests could return once the initial treatment has passed and that you may not know when.

This is no way to live, in constant worry that at any moment you may hear that familiar scratching in the walls, find that large eight-legged creature running across the kitchen floor, or see a large group of cockroaches scurrying around as you turn the light on in a room.

All these concerns can be avoided by choosing a monthly pest control service. A good pest control company can provide regular treatment for pests once they have been identified. This means that you can rest easy knowing that the pests will not be able to return. No more wondering what that sound was, or surprises when turning on the bathroom light for that late night restroom visit.

If you are looking for a recurring monthly pest control service, Bug Baron Exterminator is the finest in the area.

Peace of Mind

We provide peace of mind by offering recurring services on a monthly and quarterly basis depending on your needs. As always, all our customers are covered by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Ask about it during your free consultation!

General Pest Control

Rancho Cucamonga, CA Pest Control

With the beautiful backdrop of the San Gabriel Mountains, it is not hard to see why Rancho Cucamonga, CA is consistently at the top of the list when it comes to best places to live in the state of California. As one of the top thirty largest cities in California, Rancho Cucamonga is also a hotspot for a variety of pests. Keep reading to find out how Bug Baron Exterminator’s team of seasoned experts can help rid your home or business of pests and keep it that way!

What are the pest problems in Rancho Cucamonga, CA?

  • Ants
  • Spiders
  • Bed Bugs
  • Cockroaches
  • Rodents
  • Termites
  • And more!

So, if you have a problem with any of these pests, do not wait to call our exterminators!

Contact Us

Effective Pest Control Strategies

When it comes to effective pest control, we do not just focus on one or two key pests. Instead, we combine the most effective methods for each pest. We do this to create a comprehensive plan that can help rid your home or business of the pests. As part of our comprehensive plan, we first use our state-of-the-art equipment to inspect your home or business. After this initial inspection, we can use our treatment options to address the pests in your home or business.

Our treatment options include:

Spraying – One of the most effective treatments Bug Baron Exterminator uses for getting rid of termites, fleas, cockroaches, ants, crickets, and weevils.

Fogging – Fogging is a great treatment option. Not only can it cover areas as large as an entire home in one treatment, but you can also be sure that it will get into the spaces that a technician may not be able to spray confidently such as attics and crawlspaces.

Baiting – If rodents are your issue, then bait stations are the way to go!

Our Process

First, our expert technicians will inspect your home. Not only will they look at the areas where you are experiencing the most activity, but they will also search the outer areas of your home to identify how the pests are finding their way inside.

Once the severity of the infestation and the entry points are identified our techs will then lay out a pest control plan that will eliminate the issue and steps to take to maintain a pest free home!

At Bug Baron Exterminator, we know that pests pose a major threat to your health and happiness. That is why we do not just provide pest eradication. Instead, we focus on the complete picture and offer strategies and services that will keep your home free from unwanted insects and rodents. We want to make sure they are never able to cause you any more stress or health issues ever again. That is why we are here. Rancho Cucamonga, CA has many gorgeous landscapes and places where you can enjoy spending your time outdoors. However, you do not want to worry about the health threat posed by pests when you are enjoying time outside.


  • Make sure your doors and windows are well sealed when closed and locked.
  • Rid the exterior of your home of any potential attractants or places to hide such as wood piles, clutter.
  • Do not leave pet food, fruit, or rotting food outside.
  • Make sure your food is stored in containers and airtight

If you live in the Rancho Cucamonga area do not hesitate to get professional assistance, you are your pest issues. Whether it is ants and spiders, or a more serious bedbug, termite, or rodent infestation Bug Baron Exterminator is here to help. From finding out what types of pests are present in your area to helping you remove the pests from your home, our Exterminator team is ready to get the job done.

If you have any questions about pests in your area or need help finding the best solution for your specific pest control needs, give us a call at (909) 774-0555.

Ask about our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

General Pest Control

Ontario, CA Pest Control

Bug Baron Exterminator is the best Ontario, CA pest control you will find! Pests like mice, ants, and other small creatures can cause a lot of damage to your property and family if it’s left unchecked for too long. We are here to help! Call us today at (909) 774-0555 or get started by browsing our pest control services page.

How Can Bug Baron Exterminator Help?

If you’ve recently experienced an infestation of any pests in Ontario, CA, you know just how frustrating and annoying it can be. Whether you’ve seen a lot of damage or have strange odors coming from your home, getting rid of pests is essential to your well-being. If you’re facing problems with mice or other common pests, call Bug Baron Exterminator to remove them and keep them gone! We’re here and can arrive at your home quickly to get rid of the problem!

Why Choose Bug Baron Exterminator for Ontario, CA?

We’re the best in town for a reason. We’re here for Ontario residents with a veritable range of pests and pests of all kinds. Bug Baron Exterminator prides itself in giving only the best service to our clients and we believe so much that you will love our service that all our services come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee! If you aren’t satisfied with the work, we will come back until those pests are gone!

Contact Us Now

Types of pests we help with in Ontario, CA

We can help with any type of pest in Ontario, CA. We have experience with pests including:

  • Rodents
  • Cockroaches, Ants, Rats, Spiders, Silverfish, and Wasps
  • Bedbugs
  • Wood termites