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Termite Elimination Experts in the Inland Empire

October 02, 2023 Bug Baron Termite Control
Termite Elimination Experts in the Inland Empire

Termites can destroy a home from the inside out if they go undetected for a period of time. Termites not only love to eat the cellulose out of wood, but they are also really good at multiplying. It does not take long before you have a serious termite infestation on your hands. With a majority of the US considered highly at risk areas for termite infestations, knowing prevention tips and what the best treatment is for eliminating termites is an absolute must.

Termites are not the sort of pest you want to treat yourself. Putting your home in the hands of professionals that know the ins and outs of treating termites will help guarantee that the termite infestation will be eliminated quickly and thoroughly.  Hiring a company that is experienced and passionate about eliminating every last termite from your property is the best way to make sure your home is not destroyed by these wood eating pests.

Termite treatment and prevention

When it comes to your home, the best treatment plan for termites goes hand and hand with prevention. You will want to set up a regular inspection and treatment appointment with a termite elimination expert now before you actually see evidence of termites. This can seem like overkill when it comes to trying to prevent a pest you don’t even know if you have. But the threat of termites causing significant damage in your home is real and likely, and can easily be prevented with a routine inspection by a termite control expert.

Tent fumigation

While many termite infestations can be treated with manually dispensed insecticides that can be put into the walls where the termite nest is located, other homes may be significantly infested or have termites in hard to treat areas of the home. In these cases, tent fumigation can be an excellent option that will eliminate every termite, egg, or any other kind of pest you may have in your home.

During a tent fumigation, you will need to vacate the premises for a few days. Once it is safe to return home, the substance used in the tent fumigation will be clear from the air and does not settle on your furniture or counter tops, making it a safe option for your family and even your pets.

Call in an expert

If you should discover any signs of termites, calling an expert termite control professional is the next step. Termites are serious business and could end up costing you thousands of dollars in repairs. The faster you can get rid of them, the less damage they can do.

For Rancho Cucamonga, CA homeowners, give Bug Baron Exterminator a call today.