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Rat and Mouse Control in Rancho Cucamonga

Rat and Mouse Control in Rancho Cucamonga

December 04, 2023 Rodents

Rats and mice are continually on the hunt for food and water. Wherever they can find a good supply of each will make them want to stay. If a rat or mouse finds that your Rancho Cucamonga house has plenty of easily accessed food and water, it won’t be long before you have a serious […]

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What are My Bed Bug Treatment Options in Rancho Cucamonga, CA?

What are My Bed Bug Treatment Options in Rancho Cucamonga, CA?

November 27, 2023 Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs are nocturnal, which means they only come out at night. They are also incredibly resilient and can go without eating for months at a time. Female bed bugs can lay multiple eggs at one time. What makes bed bug problems go from bad to worse in a very short period of time is […]

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Rat Problems for Upland, CA Homeowners

Rat Problems for Upland, CA Homeowners

November 20, 2023 Rodents

Discovering rats in your Upland, CA home can be quite alarming. Rats spread diseases and tear up a number of household items that can leave you paying serious money for repairs. If you suspect rats have infested your home, giving a trusted pest control company a call can help you get rid of your rat […]

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Rodent Problems in Upland, CA

Rodent Problems in Upland, CA

November 13, 2023 Rodents

Rodents can be a real hassle if they get into your home or business and start causing problems. Rodents like mice and rats leave a trail of destruction and droppings behind them that is as disgusting as it is frustrating. Repairing damage and replacing items is part of remedying the destructive nature of these little, […]

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What are the Signs of a Rodent Infestation?

What are the Signs of a Rodent Infestation?

November 06, 2023 Rodents

Rodents love to infest places that are around people because it provides a ready food supply for them as well as provides a place where they can build their nests. But the feeling is certainly not mutual for people who have rodents living in their homes. If you suspect you have a rodent infestation, calling […]

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Cockroach Problems in the Inland Empire

Cockroach Problems in the Inland Empire

October 30, 2023 Cockroach Control

There is nothing ickier than seeing a cockroach skitter across your wall. Knowing that cockroaches are crawling around your home can be quite unsettling and even stressful. If you have a cockroach problem, getting rid of them as fast as you can will stop it before there is a population explosion. Cockroaches multiply quickly. A […]

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If I See One Cockroach, Do I Have An Infestation?

If I See One Cockroach, Do I Have An Infestation?

October 23, 2023 Cockroach Control

A cockroach infestation can make you uncomfortable in your own home. But before you have a serious problem, there are steps you can take to prevent an infestation from developing. The presence of one cockroach does not necessarily mean there are thousands more in your walls, but cockroaches can multiply quickly and if you don’t […]

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Termites and the Yearly Damage in Southern California

Termites and the Yearly Damage in Southern California

October 20, 2023 Termite Control

In the sunny and warm climate of Southern California, residents enjoy beautiful weather year-round. However, this pleasant climate also attracts a less welcome guest – termites. These tiny but destructive pests can cause significant damage to homes and businesses, costing millions of dollars in repairs annually. In this article, we will explore the annual havoc […]

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Best Ant Exterminators in Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Best Ant Exterminators in Rancho Cucamonga, CA

October 16, 2023 Ants

Once a few ants get a whiff of something sweet in your kitchen, they will likely try to find a way into your home. Ants are experts at finding the sugary cereal that spilled between your counter and oven or  the drop of honey you left on your countertop. If a nearby ant colony believes […]

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What Should I Do If I Have an Ant Problem in My Home?

What Should I Do If I Have an Ant Problem in My Home?

October 09, 2023 Ants

If you have discovered a stream of ants pouring into your home, you may be wondering what you should do to stop them. While ants are often coming in because you have left out food, have stinky trash, or have your pet’s food bowls inside your home, you may have a difficult time keeping the […]

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